The Hinterlands, an old-school roleplaying experience


Welcome to the codex of all knowledge for The Hinterlands, a classic Dungeons & Dragons sandbox campaign in the Sugar Land/Houston, Texas area with an open table and an old-school style!

New players

New players may be most interested in checking out information about the game.  Also, you may be interested in a brief rundown of some of the house rules or a quick introduction to the setting, or the current rumors spreading at the Baron's encampment.

Existing players

The elevator pitch

It's said that every undertaking involving others needs an elevator pitch, so here goes:


The Baron's handbill

It's been twelve days since you boarded the barge at the Dunfalcon docks headed to the Baron's encampment in the Hinterlands. You were told it would only take six days, but it's been almost two weeks in the open elements with little more provided to eat but foul-tasting pickled perch washed down with brackish water the scullery boy claims is tea.  So far the journey has consisted of keeping an eye on your gear and long periods of overwhelming boredom, fortunately broken occasionally by ducking volleys from occasional goblinoid or bandit archers.  It's not where you wanted to be, but it beats the alternatives you had back home.

During the river journey to the encampment you haven't really gotten to know many of the other cargo… er, passengers, but what you have heard sounds all too familiar:  trouble with the law, trouble with the Church, trouble with family.  Practically everyone seems to be running away from something.  Oh, and of course, everyone is looking for their fortune.  Everyone is certain they are going to become very rich.

That's how you ended up on this journey.  You didn't know what your next move was but then you saw the handbill outside the hostelry.  Everyone's heard the stories about Baron Aelfric, but you were undeterred by rumor.  Immediately, you knew what to do.

This is an old-school sandbox campaign based on equally old-school rules and sensibilities and structured to fit into the busy lives of adults.  Beginner and veteran players alike are welcome!  New characters will be rolled before play begins or you may use a pre-generated character.

The premise is simple:  a wide-open, wild frontier ripe with riches for the taking and a greater backstory and mystery, should you seek to find it.

The goal?  Kill monsters, take their stuff and have fun.  Sound good?  Then grab some dice and pass the Doritos!

"The worthy GM never purposely kills players’ PCs, he presents opportunities for the rash and unthinking players to do that all on their own."
― Gary Gygax