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gameinfo:definitions [2022/04/27 10:10] restlessgameinfo:definitions [2022/04/27 10:20] (current) – [Dungeon Master] restless
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 ==== Dungeon Master ==== ==== Dungeon Master ====
-In [[#classic_d_d|classic D&D]] the player who is the referee of the game, and may be the chief narrator or storyteller of the game (in a sense).  Other games have many names for this role, the generic name being [[#game_master|game master]].+In [[#classic_d_d|classic D&D]] the player who is the referee of the game, and may be the chief narrator or storyteller of the game (in a sense).  Other games have many other names for this role, the generic name being [[#game_master|game master]].
 ===== F ===== ===== F =====

Retro fun for a modern lifestyle