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gameinfo:elevator_pitch [2022/05/25 15:49] restlessgameinfo:elevator_pitch [2022/05/25 17:22] (current) restless
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 [{{ :gameinfo:hinterlands_handbill.jpg?direct&120|The [[:gaz:aelfric|Baron's]] handbill}}] It's been twelve days since you boarded the barge at the [[gaz:free_city_of_dunfalcon|Dunfalcon]] docks headed to the [[:gaz:aelfric|Baron's]] [[gaz:encampment|encampment]] in [[:gaz:hinterlands|the Hinterlands]].  [{{ :gameinfo:hinterlands_handbill.jpg?direct&120|The [[:gaz:aelfric|Baron's]] handbill}}] It's been twelve days since you boarded the barge at the [[gaz:free_city_of_dunfalcon|Dunfalcon]] docks headed to the [[:gaz:aelfric|Baron's]] [[gaz:encampment|encampment]] in [[:gaz:hinterlands|the Hinterlands]]. 
  You were told it would only take six days, but it's been almost two weeks in the open elements with little more provided to eat but foul-tasting pickled perch washed down with brackish water the scullery boy claims is tea.  So far the journey has consisted of keeping an eye on your gear and long periods of overwhelming boredom, fortunately broken occasionally by ducking volleys from occasional goblinoid or bandit archers.  It's not where you wanted to be, but it beats the alternatives you had back home.  You were told it would only take six days, but it's been almost two weeks in the open elements with little more provided to eat but foul-tasting pickled perch washed down with brackish water the scullery boy claims is tea.  So far the journey has consisted of keeping an eye on your gear and long periods of overwhelming boredom, fortunately broken occasionally by ducking volleys from occasional goblinoid or bandit archers.  It's not where you wanted to be, but it beats the alternatives you had back home.

Remember, it's just a game