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home [2022/05/25 17:15] restlesshome [2022/07/23 01:03] (current) restless
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 Welcome to the codex of all knowledge for **The Hinterlands**, a [[dict>classic_d_d|classic Dungeons & Dragons]] [[dict>sandbox|]] campaign in the Sugar Land/Houston, Texas area with an [[dict>open_table_game|open table]] and an [[dict>old-school_gaming|old-school]] style! Welcome to the codex of all knowledge for **The Hinterlands**, a [[dict>classic_d_d|classic Dungeons & Dragons]] [[dict>sandbox|]] campaign in the Sugar Land/Houston, Texas area with an [[dict>open_table_game|open table]] and an [[dict>old-school_gaming|old-school]] style!

It's dangerous to go alone, take this:  😼